Creating cards for men is difficult. This simple card design is meant for the men in your life. It isn’t too fussy with bows and embellishments and that’s ok. My special guy appreciates it when I take the time to create cards for him but doesn’t want intricate details or bling.
Making cards for men using the Stampin’ Up! set, A Good Man, is simple. The designs are beautifully sketched and it is easy to add bits of colour to create wonderful cards.
Watercolour tip
Using Aqua Painters with watercolour pencils in Stampin’ Up! matching colours on watercolour paper makes creating these cards easy and fun. Using some diluted blue around the image gives it more depth while adding brown to the bottom grounds it. Even when an image does not include ground, adding a shadow under it prevents it from appearing to float and will improve your water colouring technique.
The 6x6 pack of neutral designer series paper in Night of Navy adds to the background. Tying the whisper white twine around the middle ties in the white without being too feminine. Similarly, using garden green to border the image ties in to the green shirt.
I really like the sentiment “relax your way” as this is suitable for so many occasions. This card can be used for a masculine birthday card, a thank you or a Father’s Day card. The set contains many images for all of these occasions. I like how the stamp set features both a little girl and a little boy. A couple of the images are perfect for Father’s Day but I needed a birthday card so chose the guy relaxing.
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